Are you currently in a contract with an energy provider? 

No Problem. 

95% or more of the clients we help are also under contract.  With our market-proven, simple and effective procurement model, we deliver results! Our mission is Simple → Help secure your company the lowest renewal rate at today’s best offers!  You can lock in today's best rate for a future start date! Doing so fully protects your company from the risk of any would-be rise in energy prices. 

We maximize the value of our direct electricity provider relationships and we fully leverage our ability to negotiate on your behalf.  We oversee and manage the entire multiple provider energy bidding process and deliver only the best market values to y
ou.  In simple terms, we win your energy battles for you! 

Our goal is to provide the best price to you without any obligations on your behalf. The Final Choice will always be yours to make from the leading offers - without any extra fees on top of what we propose!

Today’s highly competitive markets demand the strength, the relationships and negotiating power of the Parker Energy team, it’s top-tier provider network of suppliers and the collaborative experience and broad reaching abilities into key markets.

We’ve made it Easy!  Simply take a minute to send us an email.

Without any obligation or commitment, we will get started right away working in your best interest!  On behalf of the company, Parker Energy looks forward to the opportunity of welcoming you to our growing family of clients.

We have the relationships, the leverage and the negotiating power ...

Energy Market Commentary

Proud Sponsor of:

Round Rock Athletics

We will put your company in front of up to 25 Electricity Companies who price compete for Your Business!

Brant Parker

Founder | President, CEO

Parker Energy, LLC

Simple Choice Power, LLC


Driving Competition

When energy suppliers are forced to compete for your business, you save money. It is human nature that whenever somebody is selling a product (whether it's a car, a necklace, or a Kilowatt Hour of electricity), their offer price is affected by the prospect of competition. If they feel that they have no competition - the price offered will be higher. 


Parker Energy drives competition. Many suppliers will offer a more favorable price to Parker Energy as compared to giving a customer a price directly, simply because they know they are in a competitive situation.


Ongoing Relationships with Top Suppliers

Parker Energy is placing multiple customers with suppliers over time. More business equates to the opportunity for more favorable pricing.  A supplier is much more likely to give a competitive price to Parker Energy, not only because they know they are competing for the business, but also because they know competitive pricing through Parker Energy will get them the opportunity for future business. 


When a customer goes direct, this "volume discount" is not necessarily realized by the customer. The supplier doesn't automatically need to price as aggressively because the customer's one contract may come up for renewal only once every year or two.  Compare this to Parker Energy giving the supplier the opportunity to bid on dozens of customers per month.  The reality is ... who is more likely to get a better price?

High Value ... High Quality

Parker Energy offers consulting services that go far beyond the scope of what a supplier may offer. Most suppliers are traditionally only interested in giving a price to supply electricity, which is their core business. They simply don't have the staff to provide "value added" services. 


However, whether your company’s usage situation is very simple or rather complex in any way, Parker Energy will provide you services that most suppliers won't offer. This could include such items as utility bill auditing, rate schedule analysis, usage studies, quantitative analysis services, etc.,  just to name a few.


Hand Selected Provider Network Partners

Did you know?  There are over 50 Retail Electric Providers (REPs) that supply commercial and/or residential customers – just in Texas?  

Time is money!  

Do you have the time to call 25 or more suppliers?  Is your time better well spent increasing
your revenue and fostering new customers? 


Faced with the prospect of shopping for electricity on your own, many companies find it difficult to name more than two or three commercial electricity suppliers to solicit pricing from, or even where to start with an REP.  "All Under One Roof" - Parker Energy has access to over 25 suppliers that were hand-picked – thereby greatly increasing the probability of lower, more competitive pricing for you.


Pricing Model

It is difficult for customers to properly and effectively compare the results of bids received from multiple suppliers.  Why? A supplier's bid is based in large part upon market prices for electricity which change every 15 minutes. 



A price received from a supplier on one day, is NOT directly comparable to a price received from a second supplier on another day. This makes comparing results extremely cumbersome and confusing. Furthermore, the contract terms and conditions for each supplier are different. As an educated buyer for your company, you need to understand the subtle differences between the contracts.